Managed Laravel Hosting Provider

Lightning-fast managed Wordpress hosting solution optimized with the latest & powerful stack which includes: Nginx Apache, Redis Cache, Varnish Cache, MySQL 8.0, PHP Lts Version, and more.

  • Easy to Use
  • Pre installed Wordpress
  • 24*7 Support System
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Laravel Cloud Hosting

Nginx to serve a Laravel application involves setting up the server blocks, ensuring proper routing, and configuring PHP processing!

Optimized Stack

Using the latest and powerful stack including Nginx, PHP-FPM, and MariaDB for quick loading.

Laravel Migrations

Need help with migrations? Our team will move your site without breaking a single URL or page.

Cache Busting

Implement cache busting techniques to invalidate stale caches and ensure fresh content delivery to users. You can append cache busting parameters to asset URLs or use versioning techniques to force cache invalidation when assets change.


Set up regular backups of your Laravel application files, database, and server configurations to protect against data loss and ensure business continuity in case of emergencies.


No need to worry about viruses or hacking attempts. All your sites will be regularly scanned for malware with advanced security tools.

Your WordPress Site - powered by our Cloud Hosting

Blazing-Fast Load Time
With top-of-the-line hardware and caching - which stores your site’s most used pages, and a globally distributed CDN, your site is served upto 2x faster.
Instant Scaling
No need to move your hosting as your traffic grows. Ramp up your resources at the click of a button - instantly add RAM and CPU without a reboot.
Your Data - Safeguarded
Our industry-leading Ceph-based storage system stores your website data across 3 distinct devices to ensure redundancy and safety.
Automatic Failover
If we detect a hardware issue, we automatically move your site to another server, ensuring that your site is always up and you never lose traffic.

Frequntly Asked Question

Choose a server configuration that meets the demands of your Laravel application and expected traffic levels. Consider factors such as CPU, RAM, storage type (e.g., SSD), and bandwidth to ensure optimal performance.

Set up a web server such as Nginx or Apache to serve your Laravel application. Configure the server to handle incoming requests efficiently, including routing traffic to PHP-FPM or another PHP handler for processing PHP files.

Install the appropriate version of PHP for your Laravel application and ensure that necessary PHP extensions are enabled. Laravel typically requires extensions like OpenSSL, PDO, Mbstring, Tokenizer, XML, and Ctype.

If using PHP-FPM, adjust PHP-FPM configuration settings to optimize performance and resource usage. Configure parameters such as process management, max connections, and timeouts based on your server's resources and expected workload.

Install and configure a database server (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) to store your application's data. Optimize database settings, indexes, and queries for efficient data retrieval and storage.

Configure caching mechanisms such as Redis or Memcached to improve application performance by caching frequently accessed data and reducing database load. Implement Laravel's caching features (e.g., route caching, view caching) for additional performance gains.

No, WordPress Hosting does not have a money back period.

Implement server monitoring and alerting to proactively detect issues and respond to potential problems quickly. Monitor server performance metrics, resource utilization, and application health to ensure optimal uptime and user experience.

Harden the server's security by implementing best practices such as regular software updates, firewall configuration, intrusion detection, and access controls. Follow Laravel's security recommendations and stay informed about security vulnerabilities and patches.